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Crystal Waters

Crystal Waters are crystal energy infused water.  Water that has been infused with frequency then set to create a remedy, elixir or essence.


Similar to Rescue Remedy, which holds the vibration of flowers, Crystal Waters hold the frequency of crystals and crystal synergies.


A synergy is where the sum of the whole is greater than its parts.  So for example blue and red together make purple.  So the synergy is purple, as it has aspects of red and blue and the combination creates the third element....purple.


Each crystal has been added to a synergy to enhance specific element of the physical body, the emotional experience and the spiritual alignment.


There are currently 2 ranges.....Physical and Emotional, and they have been 11 years In the creation and testing to come to this point.  To say they have far surpassed my expectations would be an understatement.


A 3rd range is in conception....the Celestials.  I am so excited for these to come together.  A blend of spiritual and crystal energy....but more on that later.


They work by bringing frequency into the aura, thereby changing the vibration. They are taken as 7 drops under the tongue as required.


So, I hope you enjoy the range.  ðŸ’œ



Price list

50ml Remedy   $25


Practitioner sets  

Emotional Range  (full set)    $120

Physical Range. (full set)       $120



Orders of 10 plus within a range - contact me for wholesale prices.


Postage $9


For the PHYSICAL range you choose the blend based on where on the body you would like to bring about balance or reduce pain.

For the EMOTIONAL range you choose the blend based on which emotional state is most appealing.


All of the blends work on all levels for reconnecting with a balanced state of health and wellbeing.


*** a note about PEACEFUL SLEEP blend for all those who use and love it.  It has been rebranded as the PEACE blend.  Will work the same as it is the same mother tincture, just rebranded because, as you know, it works so well as a calmative any time of day.

To choose a blend based on physical symptoms, just identify what colour area is affected. 

To choose a blend based on emotional requirements, just see which one attracts you the most as you read through each description.

Dosage is 7 drops up to 3 times daily proactivley.




7 drops reactivley ever 15 mins until you feel better or fall asleep.

To order or enquire, please call 0414 748 363


"The drops have been great......I started taking the 3 doses a day and I didn't feel that despair that I was feeling.......on the drops I've been more level headed and I feel stronger in myself.  I've also been a bit happier and laughing more."

Becky R  2015

"First time I haven’t used a sleeping tablet! I took them for an hour before I fell asleep. I did wake up twice but fell back asleep straight away.
Looking forward to a wonderful sleep tonight as well"


Sonia M  2013

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