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I teach accredited  Usui reiki over 4 levels


Teaaching one on one and in groups.


Reiki 1 – discovering the energy (6-12 hours) $300

Reiki 2 – practicing healer (6-12 hours)  $400

Reiki 3 – mastering the practice (6-12 hours)  $500 ($200 with Masters)

Reiki Masters and Master Teacher  (26-30 hours)   $130 per hour


Reiki 1 – discovering the energy               


At this level you truly do discover the world of energy.  Your energy system is reminded of what you know through the attunement process (energetic remembering) and you discover the flows of energy in life.  In all forms of life, in animals, in the earth and in relationships.


You become aware of the chakra system and how it works in your body, how it is manipulated and how it is balanced for optimum health.  You discover the mind-body connection and how energetic flow is at the basis of everything we comprehend as our reality.  You find it, you feel it, some see it and everyone discovers it for themselves.

You will learn about the history of reiki and how to use the principles in every part of your life moving forward.

Reiki just means life force energy.


Rei = life force

Ki = energy


So ……everything is about rei-ki.  Not Reiki, but rei-ki.


The whole of life is about universal energy manifest in the physical.  Quantum Physics.

But learning reiki adds the world of energy to your knowledge of the physical world and has the potential to unleash the you that you want to be.  It’s the ‘How to…’ for happiness and balance in life.


Reiki level 1 opens the door to this realm for you.  What you do with it is up to you.


If you love it, you’ll want more.  And there is more, lots more.  You will want to sign up for reiki 2 before you finish this level, but, it needs to settle within you.  For some people that’s a few months, for others, a few years.  But when you are ready….there is reiki 2.


Reiki Level 2 – Practitioner Level


At this level the flow, intensity and the flexibility of this energy is enhanced.  You begin to work with specific intentional energies (the symbols) and you amp it up beyond what you expect.  You receive more attunements, or energetic awakenings to focused frequencies and abilities and you learn more about allowance, intension and flow.


This level also enhances your spiritual development by moving way beyond the physical world into the realms of the emotional and mental intuition, with focus on your heart and brow chakras.  You will reconnect with your higher self and enhance self knowing, healing and a sense of regained personal power.


This level is considered to practitioner level so included in the learning is ‘how to give a reiki treatment’.  You are considered to hold enough knowledge at this point to share your healing with the world….all you will need to add is experience if that is the way you wish to go.


People often sit with reiki 2 for quite a while, practicing on others and honing their skill…allowing their flow and feeling lit up from the inside while doing so.  The more you do, the easier you find it, the more you love it and when you want to amp it up again……then there is reiki level 3.



Reiki Level 3 – Mastering the Practice


When you reach this level it is time to let go of all the learning and the dogma and just let yourself flow.  Open your self to be truly guided from within and whole heartedly.  More attunements and symbols assist with this next awakening to the soul level, bringing alignment within all the bodies for greater healing of the self  and others.


You master the practice of healing beyond all the rules and learnings and reconnect with you the healer.  Work with your guides and healing circles of the past and bring everything to now.  Deepens your personal healing as well as what it is you have to offer others.  You’ll move from being a Reiki Practitioner to being a Healer.


If you get to here and you still want more…there’s lots, another few years of one on one learning, sharing, growing.




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Reiki Master and Reiki Master Teacher


This journey is undertaken by both those who want to teach and those who don’t; they are just doing it for the ongoing spiritual development commitment to themselves.


26-30 sessions one on one to focus clearly on your healing journey and or/your journey as a healer.


Specific healing exercises are learnt and completed building further on your personal healing and stockpiling into your tool kit for helping others.


More symbolic energy is reconnected with along the way, both supporting and enabling the journey.


Masters is a journey undertaken both by those who want to keep up the forward motion of learning and growing in themselves and their practice as well as those who want to teach reiki themselves.


The process of passing attunements and teaching culminate in sessions 26-30 and at the completion of your masters you can be ready with your personal reiki 1 manual and teaching schedule, ready to pass on the teachings and the attunements and sharing the gift of discovering reiki.

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